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Ваш город - Киев

Electrolux Настільний Блендер Explore 6 E6TB1-6ST

В наличии

4 499 грн

Creating a range of healthy and great-tasting blends has never been easier than with the Explore 6 and its Truflow® blades. The powerful 1400W motor drives the six blades to optimize circulation and achieve xx%* smoother consistencies for both hot and cold recipes.*compared to Electrolux Create 3 Blender based on internal lab test method

Creating a range of healthy and great-tasting blends has never been easier than with the Explore 6 and its Truflow® blades. The powerful 1400W motor drives the six blades to optimize circulation and achieve xx%* smoother consistencies for both hot and cold recipes.*compared to Electrolux Create 3 Blender based on internal lab test method

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