Официальный онлайн-магазин Electrolux
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Ваш город - Киев

Electrolux Соляной блок E2SLT

В наличии

5 679 грн

Sourced from the pink rock salt found high in the Himalayas the Salt Block can withstand hot and cold temperatures. Use it on the hob or grill, in the oven or as a chilled serving platter. Whether preserving, cooking or presenting at the table the Salt Block will turn your meal into a delicious experience.

Sourced from the pink rock salt found high in the Himalayas the Salt Block can withstand hot and cold temperatures. Use it on the hob or grill, in the oven or as a chilled serving platter. Whether preserving, cooking or presenting at the table the Salt Block will turn your meal into a delicious experience.

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